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The TRAVEL LOVERS! Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts
I am really sorry.....Views: 821
Jan 28, 2007 12:41 pmI am really sorry.....#

Actually i did not go through the do's and dont's of this network,and in enthusiasm went ahead and posted about my company,anyway removed it now.Sorry for the botheration.

Private Reply to BGS

Jan 28, 2007 1:44 pmre: I am really sorry.....#


I am enclosing the pm sent to me by the very Honorable B G Sreedhhar http://www.ryze.com/view.php?who=sridharbangalore

You can see for yourself the sincerity of his apologies.

Date: Jan 28, 2007 7:52 am
From: B G sreedhhar

Hi Lapsi,

Thanks for your kind reminder that sales solicitaion is not encouraged in this network of travel.

But what i did not like was the way you have expressed,that i was banned from other networks(like a great intellectual discovery made by you)is totally misleading and made out of sheer jealousy.

My intention of posting was this,you know,wanted to inform members that if they are travelling through Bangalore or staying for a day or two,they could use our facilities.

And this reaction of your's was not warranted at all,probably out of childish josh.

Private Reply to Lapsi

Jan 28, 2007 5:07 pmre: re: I am really sorry.....#

Swapan Mukherjee (Photographer/Digital Artist).
I think a PM should remain a PM. Nothing more, nothing less. To make it public is extremely in bad taste and ethics.

I have not seen the post by Shreedhar (where is it?) about his services so my comments may not be very rational.

Simply going by the fact that 'Travel Lovers' is a part of Ryze, which is a business network with strong social overtones (kudos to those who thought of it and got Ryze going) I do not see any harm if a fellow Ryzer, whose business is to provide a roof overnite to a weary and possibly a stressed out bussines traveller, or any other traveller for that matter, as Ryze is, after all, a business network, has commited any 'crime'!

Shreedhar, would you mind posting your original message once gain so that those who missed out may benifit from your offer. Hopefully, you are offering some discount to fellow Ryzers, not simply to get more business but to support the idea of Ryze.


With malice to none.

PS. When I say Ryze I also mean MBN as well. So, no comments on this, please.

Private Reply to Swapan Mukherjee (Photographer/Digital Artist).

Jan 28, 2007 6:08 pmre: re: re: I am really sorry.....#


The pm was entirely in relation to a post on a public network. Whatever he had to say could have been said in public but he chose to insult me in private.


I thank you for not sending me a pm and having the courage to say what you had to in public.

I believe that you have not seen this message from the Network owner or else your good taste and ethics would not have permitted you to actively encourage sales solicitations.

Message from owner of this network:

Private Reply to Lapsi

Jan 29, 2007 12:47 amre: re: re: re: I am really sorry.....#

Frankly i expected members to pounce on me,in this regard i have to thank Mr.Swapan.I have always believed that,accomodation is a integral part of traveling public,and that is the reason i have posted my business here as i do the same.I would'nt have done so i have been dealing in say iron scrap or beauty products.
It is to remind that,i have always posted elsewhere saying a RYZE member will automatically get a discount at my facilities.
As a matter of fact,i am in the process of tieing up with stay facilities elsewhere in the state too,so that travellers can stay at places which have reasonable tariffs,safe,hygenic and with good ambience,and if a ryze member validates the same,other ryze members can also use it too.
If i have posted my view to a fellow member thro' a PM,it was meant to be so and not brought to a public domain,i could have done so,but did not do it keeping in mind the decorum of the board.
As i have mentioned above,i did not go thro' the do's and dont's of the NW,before posting the same,and i apologised for the same.
My commitment of providing good accomodation for travelling public will only increase,and more so for Ryze members,as i am also its family.
My belief is that any business related to travel should be encouraged,to facilitate fellow members and ryzers.Like accomodation providers,ticketing agents,ground transporters,local guide facilities,foreign exchange and so on,as these form a part of travel.Instead of searching for the same elsewhere,it could be had readymade.
Lapsi,sorry i have hurt you,anyway.HAPPY TRAVELLING.

Private Reply to BGS

Mar 23, 2007 6:30 amre: re: re: re: re: I am really sorry.....#

Since I am being implicitly mentioned here (as the guy who banned Mr. sreedhhhar from my network), I figure I should jump in.

So, I have 2 simple rules. #2 being,

"Do not post topics or replies not relevant to the charter of this network as described on the network page or you WILL BE BANNED."

And despite this Mr Sreeeddhar posts


[SPAM message snipped. Don't want to give more publicity]

NOTE : I am aware that this posting of mine does not fit into this section,but thought that it will be of help to members here,sorry for the inconvenience if any.


Which is like saying "Sorry for screwing you but I'll do it anyway". I mean how stupid do you take people to be?

And since it's would be irrelevant to discuss any further about this here and I don't want to waste any more time either I'm not responding to any half baked explainations which Mr sreedhar may crop up now.

Private Reply to Chandrashekhar

Mar 23, 2007 8:33 amre: re: re: re: re: re: I am really sorry.....#

Rangarajan R
Hi Chandrasekhar

About a year or back I also raised similar sentiments like the one of you. My email id was hacked and remained in limbo for quite sometime. Then I took it on the email service provider and got my email id restored.

Even now this type of spam is happening in this network and being ignored by the promoters of this network.

Anyway, all the best to you.

Rangarajan-New Delhi

Private Reply to Rangarajan R

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