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Hot ChocolateViews: 819
Mar 18, 2007 2:22 pmHot Chocolate#

Puja Kodavasal
On my walk back from the Grand Plaza, Brussels, one of the biggest and most beautiful squares in all of Europe, I just didn't feel quite ready to go back to the hotel room. At about ten in the night, the streets are quite empty. A light drizzle, the odd clickety clock of pencil point heels on cobblestone pathways, as windows shut, lights switch off, tourists huddle up in cozy warm cafes and pubs.

I like the rains. It was raining in London a couple of days back. But London is different. Come rain or shine, you'll never find an empty street. But here, the streets turn mysteriously empty, sincity like eerie. Little shops with lighted window displays, porcelain mannequins staring cold, adorned with pretty white embroidered scarfs drift by, as I pick up a whiff of chocolate lazily floating in the air.

It leads me to a modest street cafe on the main road, half a dozen benches with little umbrellas. Almost deserted, but for an old couple, I saw through a cloud of cigarette smoke at their table. Didn't look to me like a fancy place with snooty waiters, so I bravely pick a nice corner facing the road, and looked around for a friendly face. I was pretty used to getting curious glances from people passing by. Strange girl in a strange city all alone at a strange time. How I wish I was actually a spy. In disguise. Some mystery surrounding. Suspense music. Something worthy of all the stares. How boring to be just another tourist in a cafe. Sigh.

I took time going through the elaborate menu as if I could understand what it read. What was there to decide? It's just hot chocolate, and all I wanted was hot chocolate. I feel a presence. I look up. An imposing structure in black. And I wonder for three seconds if something dressed so well, could, possibly be a waiter. Dare I ask him for a cup of hot chocolate? I didnt. He smiled. He knew. I knew I looked stupid. 'Chocolat madam??'. I nodded.

I look up again, hoping to find the moon. The only familiar face, always makes me feel close to home. It was hard to spot the sky behind all the eighty, hundred storeyed glass structures, in a city that is a happy mix and match of mighty geometric sky scrapers between seasoned medieval buildings.

Big brown cup of dark, sweet, rich, sinful, melted chocolate. A golden wrapped cube of Godiva by the side. Almost makes you feel you don't deserve it. It would take thirty seconds to gulp it all down. I took an hour. I wanted to soak in every little sight, take a deep breath after every little sip, look at every person who walked by, every car that whizzed past, feel every drop of sweet chocolate warm my throat, and made me smile silly like a little child who found a five rupee coin on the street.

'Happiness' is these fleeting moments which pass by, ever so swiftly, that you want to grab them and string them together and make them last for just a bit more.

Private Reply to Puja Kodavasal

Mar 18, 2007 3:38 pmre: Hot Chocolate#

A Steaming HOT Chocolate on a Rainy day..Just like what i had ordered... Your post sure is thought provoking and does spell the lonley you..


Private Reply to ANIL RAJ LODHA

Mar 18, 2007 3:53 pmre: re: Hot Chocolate#

Puja,how beautifully described,i was almost there.The elements were hitchcockish.

Private Reply to BGS

Mar 18, 2007 4:30 pmre: Hot Chocolate#

Nirmesh Prakash
Hey Puja!

Very well-written...made me 'live' your experience. As I read through, I almost felt that I was sitting somewhere nearby at one of those tables in the Cafe.

More Power to the Lady!


Private Reply to Nirmesh Prakash

Mar 18, 2007 6:58 pmre: re: Hot Chocolate#

If U really wana do Gud...Nothin stops U just do it!!
lovely pooja...very nice..says a lot about the person u are..hope u have many such moments in the future:)


Private Reply to If U really wana do Gud...Nothin stops U just do it!!

Mar 19, 2007 4:45 amre: re: re: Hot Chocolate#

Rajesh R
oye pooja...nicely written maam...didnt know u wuz here btw:D

Private Reply to Rajesh R

Mar 21, 2007 8:12 am re: Hot Chocolate#

mmmmm.. :)
reminds me of that delicious shop in 'Chocolat'

Private Reply to Alakaline

Mar 21, 2007 7:40 pmHot Chocolate#

Ellen Schultz
Hi Puja,

I loved this piece. It's wonderful and makes me crave hot chocolate right now. Lucky for me I had the foresight to order two tins of a European sipping chocolate I found in a gourmet magazine a couple of weeks ago. I'm waiting for the United Parcel Service man to deliver it right now. :-)

If you ever come to New York City, please let me know. I'll take you to a couple of places that specialize in hot chocolate. There's even one cafe that hosts a hot chocolate festival every February, however, I don't recommend NYC in February unless you're a very hardy soul. And besides, I hope to be someplace warm next winter. Perhaps Goa??? I can wish can't I?

Keep writing. You're good.

Warm regards,

Ellen Schultz
(a confirmed tea addict in New York City)

Private Reply to Ellen Schultz

Mar 22, 2007 12:18 pmre: Hot Chocolate#

Puja Kodavasal
Thank You all for your comments:)

Ellen: The hot chocolate places in New York sound very interesting! Hope to make a trip there sometime..

You will love Goa! Im going there next month:)

Private Reply to Puja Kodavasal

Mar 22, 2007 5:19 pmre: re: Hot Chocolate#

Rajvee S
Indeed a hot chocolate

Private Reply to Rajvee S

Mar 27, 2007 11:26 amre: re: re: Hot Chocolate#

Maithili Shah
Reminds me of 3 hours of hot chocolate sipping at Starbuck on a really cold Indianapolis afternoon.

Private Reply to Maithili Shah

Mar 28, 2007 4:48 pmHot Chocolate#

Basab Ghosh
Exceedingly well written! Congrats!

Private Reply to Basab Ghosh

Apr 05, 2007 6:14 amre: Hot Chocolate#

Rajesh R
oye puja...u going to goa? i might be there with toffee as well...so mebbe we'll bump into each other...lol

Private Reply to Rajesh R

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